A mechanic is an automobile repair and maintenance expert. Mechanics work on different aspects of a vehicle such as the tires, engine, steering, and much more.



Some mechanics specialize in working on a few parts of a vehicle like its air conditioner or engine. Mechanics sometimes also specialize in the repairs of vehicles from one automobile manufacturer or brand. 

In Lagos Nigeria, there are thousands of vehicle mechanics yet car owners consistently lament about the difficulties they face in their dealings with these mechanics.

A lot of the complaints car owners usually have about mechanics are outrageous charges, poor execution of repairs, dishonesty about the timeline of repairs, intentional damage of other components of the vehicle to secure more visits, inflating the cost of spare parts, and so much more. 


Manner of presentation

Mechanic workshops are typically disorganized because there is a lot of fast-paced manual work going on. However, this should not extend to the mechanic personally. Ensure that the mechanic is a level-headed individual who is polite and genuinely interested in understanding whatever issues your vehicle is experiencing.

If the mechanic looks very rough and is trying to hustle money out of you by making a diagnosis without listening to you properly or testing the vehicle first, run.


Ease of contact

Lagos mechanics are notorious for making it difficult for vehicle owners who are their customers to contact them. They could take anywhere between hours and days to respond to dozens of missed calls! Before you commit to using the services of any mechanic, do an ease of contact test so you know if you should proceed or quit in your dealings with them.



Trust is one of the most important factors in dealings between mechanics and clients. If you discover that the mechanic you work with is consistently lying to you about the cost of spare parts, the timeline of execution of repairs, and their location or availability, you should stop working with them. Worrying excessively about if your mechanic is being honest with you is not good.


Prolonged timelines

The duration of a repair always varies depending on the part being fixed and the brand of the vehicle. However, mechanics are usually able to give accurate estimated duration for repairs. In situations where the repair will take longer due to whatever circumstances, mechanics communicate this to their clients and give constant updates.

If your Lagos mechanic fails to do this, it’s a sign of shadiness. Ensure that you get your vehicle back quickly and take it elsewhere for repairs.



Just like every other job, the level of experience a mechanic has is important. Many clients admit to trusting the advice and recommendations of a mechanic with a healthy number of years of experience under their belt. You can find out how experienced a mechanic is by asking specific questions about their career and how long they have been in the profession.

If they are defensive or dodgy about giving you answers, that is a red flag. The average Lagos mechanic boasts about how experienced they are.

Auto mechanic working on car engine

Go to our comments to list some of the other qualities that you usually look out for in mechanics, especially in Lagos, Nigeria.


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